Leprechaun Green

Have you ever noticed how difficult the word 'leprechaun' is to spell?? I mean I am a horrible speller, but usually I can guess and it's close enough that spell check will fix it for me. Not this time, I had to try like 4 times before it even got close.

Anyway, every time I wear my green pants I think of a leprechaun. But don't get me wrong, I love them to death!! The only think is, I'm having a hard time pairing my green pants with any color other than black. I defiantly can't pair them with red because I feel like Christmas, I think I might be OK with purple but then will it remind me of those old Barney days, yellow is if-y so is orange. I could do blue, now that's a color I could do! Ok thanks for letting me think out loud on that one(door to my brain now closed!)

So great news!! I was on call last night and didn't get called into work, but I also didn't get any sleep either. I was too worried that I might not hear my phone, for some reason it turned itself on silent, or it had randomly rang within the past 5 minutes that I didn't check it. Man I never realized that being on call was so stressful! Guess I'm going to some how need to get over those stresses!

Hope everyone has had a great Monday. Here's the schedule for the week...
Monday- Do an actual blog post with actual real photos, oh maybe work on my family interview that is due in a week
Tuesday-work all day
Wednesday- Video record the family interview then some training at work
Friday-Work a grave
Saturday-work another grave
oh heck lets do 
Sunday-Work yet another grave!

See you Wednesday for sure!
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